Field workshops

An educational path on the theme of hydrobiology in which the class will be able to participate in a laboratory activity at the river, carrying out a scientific sampling in the watercourse with the aim of applying the analysis techniques directly in the field. The river laboratory deals with the monitoring of the ecological status of watercourses, focusing on biological indicators (benthic macroinvertebrates and diatoms) and on chemical indicators.

At the end of the activity, the students, through specific cards, will be able to assess the environmental status of the water course analyzed. For this activity a basic knowledge of chemistry and ecology is required. Special notes: when possible in spring you can access the river. For the sampling the students will have to wear rubber boots, rubber gloves and a possible replacement.


2 hours


All. Analysis in the river: only for lower and upper secondary school.


Naturalistic guides, water analysis kit, screen, magnifying glass..


Water Ecology, Environmental Survey, Sampling Techniques.

L’escursione permette di interpretare il paesaggio con una modalità investigativa attraverso tappe sensoriali, mappe e fonti storiche, vecchie fotografie e altro ancora. Ne emergeranno riflessioni su come e perchè il paesaggio è stato plasmato dall’uomo nel tempo, sugli elementi di rischio in esso presenti e su una corretta gestione del territorio da parte dell’uomo. Si effettuerà uno studio vegetazionale dell’ambiente con guide e raccolta di reperti per il riconoscimento delle specie.


2 hours




Naturalist guides, binoculars, maps and maps.


Environmental survey, botany, zoology, cultural anthropology.